Rob Donovan - Author
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  Rob Donovan - Dying To Know  
Resistance - Blog Posts
The Road To Justice
Living The Good Life - Meet Alan Newton,
A Marazion Quaker
Making Sense - Remarkable Insights From
Professor Martin Stanton
Exploring New Worlds - Outi Pieski At Tate St Ives
- And Redefining Boundaries
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library -
David Olusoga (2020) 'Black And British -
A Short Essential History'
My Latest Book: 'Mine To Die'
Has A Day Out In Truro
What Price Security? Where Are The Threats Coming From?
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library
- Julian Of Norwich - Part 2
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library -
Julian Of Norwich (from 1373)
'Revelations Of Divine Love' - Part 1
Sharing A 'Tax Justice UK' Post - Taxing
The Richest Would Make A Big Difference
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library -
Hugh McGregor Ross (1991/2008)
'George Fox - A Christian Mystic'
Love At Christmas
'Social Murder' Is A Term Used By Friedrich
Engels In The Nineteenth Century -
Read About Social Murder In The UK Today
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library - Richard
Rohr (2014/2022) - 'Silent Compassion - Finding
God In Contemplation'.
Dying To Know - And Now Some Of The
Truth Is Coming Out
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library - Palden Jenkins (2012) - 'Pictures Of Palestine - A Humanitarian Blogging From Bethlehem'
Tax Justice In The UK - Sharing Our
Common Wealth
Open Britain - How Corrupt Is The British State?
A Tribute To Charles Wilfred Tregenza (1891-1974) - A Remarkable Cornishman And Quaker
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library - Chris Nineham (2023) - 'Lies, Propaganda And The West's War In Ukraine'
Fruits Of The Marazion Quaker Library - Robert Lawrence Smith (1998) - 'A Quaker Book Of Wisdom'
Understanding Recent History - Why Jeremy
Corbyn Was Different And Seen As A Threat
Louise Donovan - Her Textile Art Exhibition At
The Marazion Quakers' Meeting House In
September 2023
Bye-Bye Meta/Facebook -
And Welcome To A New Blogpost
Welcome To 'Transform' - A New Political
Party For The Left
A State Of The Nation Report By Open Britain
Part 2 - Is The Labour Party Under Starmer
The Answer?
Tax Justice - The Way To A Fairer And
More Equal World
The State Of The Nation Report By
Open Britain
The Wisdom Of Eugene McCarraher -
Exploring The Enchantments Of Mammon
In Britain - Part Two
Please Get Your Copy Of The Unofficial Report
Into Why Nearly A Quarter Of A Million Brits
Have Died In The COVID Pandemic
All Aboard The Misgovernment Train -
Full Steam Ahead To The Broken Democracy
And Failing State
Still Running - Still Celebrating
Peace And Justice - Supporting The Five
Demands Put Forward By Jeremy Corbyn
In April 2023
The Enchantments Of Mammon - How The
Pursuit Of Wealth Has Warped Our World -
Part One
COVID - The Forecast For The Next Five Years
Open Democracy, Dan Hind, And
Hope For The Future
Tories Out, Yes - But Beware Labour Under
Starmer - Moral Bankruptcy Is To Be Found
There Too
Tax Justice In The United Kingdom
Tory Government Malfeasance In 2020
Have You Heard The News About Kraken?
There's Something Rotten In The State Of Britain
Cornwall - More On That Military-Industrial
Failure In January 2023
Cornwall - Part Of The Military-Industrial Complex
The National Health Service In The UK -
The Slow Steal Of Privatisation
You Can't Take It With You - Exploring The Magic Of Frank Capra, Film Director Extraordinaire
What's So Special About Jesus Of Nazareth?
Some Christmas Reflections From A
Quaker Attender
A Deadly COVID Silence - And Now We Wait
On The Super-Spreader Of Christmas
A Conservative Government Rules As The
'Old Corruption' Returns - How Can Anyone
Vote Tory?
Thoughts From A Quaker Attender Concerning
Our Country - And Strategies For Doing Better
Dying To Know - In Time For Christmas
Why Shakespeare And Dante And Beethoven
And Rembrandt Matter
I am 74; Matt Gallagher Of Open Democracy
is 24 - Intergenerational Solidarity -
I'm In Total Agreement
Did You Really Think It Was All Over?
Open Democracy Speaks Truth To Power
The Jeremiahs Are Prepared - Are You?
The World Seen Through The Eyes Of A New Quaker Attender - Part Six: Jesus Protests
In The Temple - And Within A Week Is Dead, Crucified. Yet He Lives.
Making Sense Of Brexit - The UK Since Thatcher
And How The Oxford Tories Took Power
The World Seen Through The Eyes Of A New Quaker Attender - Part Five: After The Hunter-Gatherers, The Wheels Loosen And The Crash Looms
The World Seen Through The Eyes Of A New
Quaker Attender - Part Four: Back To The Beginning - An Anthropological And Biological
The World Seen Through The Eyes Of A New
Quaker Attender - Part Three: The Heart Of
Quakerism As Explored By Zoom At A
Plymouth Meeting
Preparing for a new wave of COVID-19 -
Or Not
The World Seen Through The Eyes Of A New
Quaker Attender - Part Two: Mark's Account Of
The Charismatic Preacher Called Jesus
The World Seen Through The Eyes Of A New
Quaker Attender - Part One: My Thoughts As An
Attender At The Marazion Sunday Meeting
In Memoriam - Pete Richards (1960 - 20220 and
David Siggers (1960 - 2022)
Updates On The National Health -
Late July 2022
The Power Of Hope - My Talk At The
Penzance Literary Festival - 7 July 2022
This Is A Blogpost That Will Attract Only A Score
Of Readers - It's About The SARS-COV-2 Virus
Please Come To My Talk At Penzance Literary
Festival - Thursday 7th July 2022
There Is A Sickness In The Land - And The
Symptoms Can Be Seen Across The Political
Spectrum - Apart From The Greens
Here's Hoping That The Luck Of The Devil Holds
Responding To Climate Change -
What's Going Wrong In The UK
Rob Donovan (2022) - 'Dying To Know - Running
Through A Pandemic' - More Reviews And
A Rob In The Round Video
Dying To Know Why Only Now Has Johnson's
Government Been Found Guilty Of Unlawful
Actions In The Pandemic
Avaaz - Pointing The Way To Save
Ourselves From Extinction
The Good Law Project Are Behind
The Johnsons And Sunak Being Found Guilty
"Dying To Know - Running Through A Pandemic" -
Read All About My Latest Book
This Misgovernment Of The Coronavirus
Pandemic Continues Apace
And They Thought It Was All Over. It Isn't
Tax Justice UK - Spreading The Word -
Exposing The Role Of Russian Money In
London Finance And The Tory Party
More Insights Into Putin - Thanks To
Open Democracy
Who Is Dying From COVID - And Why Is This
Data Not Being Shared And Analysed?
The Good Law Project - Today's Tale Of
Triumph In The Law Courts
Open Democracy -
Insights Into Something Rotten
Why Are So Many Coronavirus Patients Dying In
Hospital If Omicron Is A Less Virulant Mutation
Of SARS-CoV-2?
When Will This Rapid Rise In Covid Deaths
Become Mainstream News?
The Labour Party Is Unfit For Office - What A
Mess We Are In - Time For A New Party Folks!
Breaking News!!! - Only It's Not Being Covered
By The Mainstream Media (MSM)
Jeremiah Returns To Herald The New Year -
And Lament Once Again Our Misgovernment
The Real World Of Skwawkbox - The One
The Mainstream Media Doesn't Tell You About
Looking Back In Anger - Where We Were
A Year Ago And Where We Are Now
Starmer Attacks Johnson For Lying - At Last -
But Open To See The Pot Calling
The Kettle Black
A Cornish Cover-Up - Just Don't Mention The
Virus - What Health Crisis?
Skwawkbox Celebrates - So Do I
Time To Champion 'Social Justice' - Enough Is
Enough - Welcome To The New Party
Jeremiah Comes Out Of His Closet After
A Month - Time For Another Alert
New Zealand And The Coronvirus - Part Two
A Tax On Wealth Seems A No-Brainer,
Doesn't It? A Nation Is A Community - Isn't It?
In Memory Of Aberfan (1966) - 55 Years Ago -
Do Ordinary Folk Matter?
New Zealand And The Coronvirus - The Story
That Has Not Yet Made It To The UK
Mainstream Media
There Is A Psychopath In No. 10 -
Feel The Rage
Conspiracy To Conceal - Part 5 -
The Final Episode - For Now
Conspiracy To Conceal - Part 4 -
Ignoring The Warnings
Conspiracy To Conceal - Part 3 -
Please Keep Checking To See If I Have
Been Right To Be A Jeremiah
Conspiracy To Conceal - Part 2 -
The Art Of Pulling Wool Over Eyes
Conspiracy To Conceal - Part 1 -
The British Media Are Choosing Not To Run
With This Dramatic Story
The British PM Is A Laughing Stock Abroad
Over 115,000 Members Have Left The Labour
Party - But Some Of Those Who Remain Are
Getting Their Act Together
Johnson, The Serial Liar, And His Ministers
Continue To Mislead - And Starmer Is Still
A Failure
Clement Attlee And The Nuclear Bombing Of
Hiroshima And Nagasaki 76 Years Ago
My Consistent Message - Living With This Virus
Should Not Be The Chosen Path
The Merits Of Being Ordinary And Decent
Reasons For Leaving The Labour Party
When Its Leader Is Starmer
It's That Jeremiah Time Again -
Better I Told You So Than Never Knowing
This Is A Nuclear Holocaust Warning -
You Are At Risk
George Monbiot Is Our 21st Century Prophet -
Jeff Bezos's Exit Into Space Is Taking
Us All For A Ride
No Change In The Misgovernment Of The UK -
A Look Back At 2020 From The Day After
Freedom Day
Deadwood In The Labour Party - A Medley Of
Reasons For The Departure Of Socialists
Such as Myself
Deadwood In The Commons - Dawn Butler
Speaks Truth To Power
Time For A New Political Party -
The Socialist Party
Monday 19 July 2021 Will Go Down In
The History Books As The Day That
Opened The Gates To Catastrophe
Collusion Between The So-Called Experts
And Those Misgoverning Us
'Freedom Day' On July 19? - In Your Dreams -
It's A Recipe For More COVID-19 Disaster
'May You Live In Interesting Times' - Altering The
Fabric Of Britain When You're Not Looking
The Madness Of This Misgovernment -
The Scientific And Medical Data Bite Back
Crime Of The Century - Exxon Exposed
The Joy Of Discovering An
Author I Had Not Heard Of Before -
Margaret Kennedy (1896 - 1967)
Thanks To Our Leader And His Minions
We Really Are World-Beating Now
What's Wrong With Britain - The Voices Of
Angry People Give Us The Answers
'Alone In Berlin', A Masterpiece By Hans Fallada -
And A Warning To Us All
The Face That Gives The Game Away -
Hancock, Cummings, Johnson
The Enchantments Of Mammon - How Capitalism Became The Religion Of Modernity
We Need Howard Beckett As The Leader Of
The Unite Union
Our World Through The Eyes Of
Yanis Varoufakis
The Inside Story From Cummings As He Seeks
To Minimise His Role In This Misgovernment
The Art Of Concealing The News -
As Practised By UK Misgovernment
Yet More Lies From The Mouth Of This
Malevolent Misgovernment
Thoughts From A Jeremiah - How To
Surivive and Flourish In A Pandemic

Administrative Malfeasance Could Be
The Charge Against Johnson

A Socialist View Of What's Happening To
Football - And A Glance At My
Manchester United Scrapbook
Lying In The House Of Commons Is
Now Acceptable - What Can We Do?
The Serial Liar Exposed - Boris Johnson,
The British PM Takes Another Nailing
Impunity Reigns - Democracy Decays - The Story Of The Boris Johnson Premiership So Far
Our Two Main Political Parties Are Detached
From The Moral Problems That
We Need To Address
The Labour Party Under Keir Starmer
Seems To Be Morally Bankrupt
What Kind Of Society Do I Want -
And Is It The Same As The Society We Need?
The Road From Democracy To
Oligarchy In The UK - Part - 2
The Road From Democracy To
Oligarchy In The UK - Part 1
The Latest YouGov Poll Has The Tories
13 Percent Ahead Of Labour
This Tory Roadmap Will Not Rescue Us
Is There A Class Divide? Judge For Yourself
The Class Divide Never Went Away
Johnson And Starmer Are Both Bad For
This Country
I Saw 20 Socialist Members Of Parliament
Gathered Around A Table
Mad And Bad Leaders With The Power To
Shape The Science
Pick And Twist Your Science - How They Avoid
Taking The Blame For Over 100,000 Deaths
This Prime Minister Led Us Into The World Of
Herd Immunity
No Ifs Or Buts - Schools Should Be Shut
What Better Way To Start The New Year
Can They Be This Stupid?
The Price Of Not Having A Socialist Government:
COVID-19 Deaths
The Blame Game: Anyone But Me
From 'Dying To Know' - An Introduction To
MMT - Modern Monetary Theory
What Life Could Have Looked Like If Only
We Were Not Being Misgoverened
Updates On My Pandemic Journal -
Dying To Know
Being Misgoverened - The Unfairness Of It All
The Best Prime Minister We Never Had
Failings In The Labour Party Opposition To The
UK Government In Early November 2020
Failings In The UK Government In
Early November 2020
What Do The People Think About Keeping
Schools Open During Lockdown?
Johnson, Cummings And Starmer -
Bad, Mad Or Sad?
Dying To Know - And A Jeremy Corbyn
Humanity Is In A Viral War -
And Truth Is The First Casualty Of War
More Updates On Our Misgovernment -
They Are Still Lying To Us
It Just Goes From Bad To Worse - UK Government In 2020 - An Update
Shifting The Responsibility - 'Not Me Folks. Not Us Your Government!'
The NHS Is Facing A Triple Whammy - Fuelled By Tory Underfunding Since 2010
Keir Starmer's Leadership Of The Labour Party -
Did 56% Of The Membership Get It Right?
Johnson And Hanncock - Lessons For All Of Us
OMG - Is This Government For Real?
How To Mismanage A Pandemic -
The Madness Of Pursuing Herd Immunity
How To Spread A Virus The Tory Way -
Just So You Know
The Best Prime Minister We Never Had -
Jeremy Corbyn Tops The Poll
Lies, Damned Lies - And Statistics - What Is
Our Government Up To?
The Charge Against Johnson And Cummings Is,
M'Lord, The Pursuit Of Herd Immunity
Staying In The Labour Party So I Can
Vote Against The Leader Next Year
How Come The UK Has The Highest Number Of
Covid-19 Deaths Per Hundred Thousand
Supporting The Skwawkbox
Means We Get True News
Catching Up With Our Pandemic Misgovernment
Pandemic Misgovernment - Ignorance & Lies
Understanding More About Our Misgovernment
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Cummings
Misgovernment In The UK - My Latest Round-Up
Courtesy Of Skwawkbox
The Latest Week Or Two Of
Misgovernment In The UK
A Murderous Misgovernment That Is
Almost Too Awful To Believe
Boris Johnson On Racism - June 2020
This Madness Will Run And Run
Too Late In March And Now Too Soon -
Extraordinary Failures In 10 Downing Street
The Art Of Loving (Erich Fromm) - And The Dark
Side Of Boris - Part Four
The Art Of Loving (Erich Fromm) - And The Dark
Side Of Boris - Part Three
The End Is Nigh - Prime Minister And Co.
Stage Two Of This COVID Disaster
Just Got Worse
A Bit Of Musical Joy But Still With Radical Edge
The Art Of Loving (Erich Fromm) - And The Dark
Beast Of Brexit (Boris Johnson) - Part Two
A Rising Tide Of Anger
May Bank Holiday Crisis As UK Government
Initiates Stage Two Of Their Disaster
The Art Of Loving (Erich Fromm) - And The Dark
Beast Of Brexit (Boris Johnson) - Part One
A Victor Meldrew Moment -
I Just Can't Believe It
More Porky Pies And Now Silence -
The Face Of Misgovernment UK Style
Maybe The Mainstream Media Is
Opening Its Eyes
The Serial Teller Of Porky Pies Back In Town -
With Blood On His Gown
Singing The Song Of Angry Men -
And Women
Eleven Days Of Madness
12 - 23 March 2020
Matters To Consider Before
An Exit From Isolation
Is There A Jacinda Ardern In The House?
Why Can't Our Government Get Its
Act Together
Scientific And Medical Expertise Begins To
Find A Voice To Shame UK Politicians
New Zealand 46 British Barbarians 0
(Still Playing)
UK Government - Performance Update
In These Pandemic Times
British Justice Is Not Always What It's
Cracked Up To Be
How's The UK Government Doing
In This Emergency?
Bring Me Hope - Part Four
Bring Me Hope - Part Three
Bring Me Hope - Part Two
Bring Me Hope - Part One
MSM - In This Case The BBC Are Helping
The Moronic Buffoons
More On This Government's Incompetence
How Much Longer Must We Suffer This
COVID 19 - The Facts We Need To Know
COVID 19 - How Far Are We Subject
To Deception
The Conservatives Are Changing The Way
We Are Governed For The Worse - Part One
The Labour Manifesto Vision:
A New Internationalism
A Right Royal To-Do:
Did You Know That ....
The Labour Manifesto Vision:
Tackling Poverty and Inequality
Resisting The Tories - Part One:
The Climate Emergency

Taking Resistance Into The New Year -
Understanding Our Labour Party's Defeat

Resistance News - Love In The Corbyn
Family - And Outside
The Resistance Begins -
Still Nailing Johnson
My latest literary venture –
Dying to Know (Matador 2022)

In writing Dying to Know, published on 28 February 2022, I was determined to satisfy two criteria: the book had to be both readable and worth reading.

For three key readers, the book has passed those tests. Their views are displayed on the back cover of the book, as you can see below:

Rob Donovan - Dying To Know
Rob Donovan - Dying To Know
“In his accessible writing style, Rob shows you the beauty of his surroundings, the ugliness of political games and the wonders of science. He cares about you and me, he cares about the environment.”
Ingrid Helmer
Dutch researcher
Dieden, The Netherlands
“Totally absorbing… a must-read”
Dr Howard Pue
American public health veterinarian
Missouri, USA
“An important book, encouraging thought and perhaps action”
Jessica Raber
American artist
Bloomington, Indiana, USA
A glimpse inside the structure of
‘Dying to Know’

I am a runner and I have my special local circuit that I use for training. I leave our home and very soon turn right to begin moving up the incline of the Stennack road, pavement running. At the top, I branch right on the B3306 heading out west on the coastal road. My route is still uphill and for a couple of hundred yards there is pavement. But then the pavement ends - and it is road-running all the way to the top of the hill at Little Trevalgan. One and three-quarter miles up and then downhill all the way home. 3.5 miles for the free flow of thoughts.

And that is my literary device. You, the reader, are my companion as I run. You are privy to the thoughts that bubble up from my sub-conscious. What you read is, in part, autobiographical. You are able, like me, to delve into the bole in my magic tree to access the fruits of research into matters that need further investigation. A touch of magical realism does not come amiss at the best of times – but this run of mine is being completed in the worst of times. I am running in a pandemic. I need to know more about how the world has become gripped by a virus that is proving deadly for so many. You share my journey of discovery over the months of the pandemic.

Buy The Book ......
Here is the link to my first book:
The Road to Corbyn